Gimmi Corvaro  is a 36 years old, italian born with persian origin, Travel and Street photographer, based in Rome, Italy.

He defines himself like a "tramp traveler", loves  meeting local people, getting lost in details, between curious glances and unusual crossroads of souls in a picturesque scenery.

He is a Master Photographer of Nikon School Travel ( Iran and Nepal travels).              

He is a cofounder of the Italian Street Photography Collective ISE - Italian Street Eyes.

He's on the shortlist for SONY WORLD PHOTOGRAPHY AWARD 2017 in Street Photography category. His picture will be show in a International Exhibition at Somerset House in London in 2017.

In 2009, 2010, 2011, 2015 reach the final in the National Geographic Italy competition.

His works and portfolio were published on Magazine and web site like, Foto Up, Image Mag, Altanox Mag,  Witness Journal.

He'd published two calendars and one photobook for some Onlus Associations that help children. He'd pubblished a photobook "Persia Tresaure" with his personal show about Persia in Rome. ( To buy book click here )

He helped some associations like Hanuman and Medici Senza Frontiere with some shows in Palermo and Rome to help Nepalese people after earthquake.

He's also an Educator in his photographic courses. He collaborated in the past with some photo schools and Universities in Rome.

You can contact him writing to